what did curley's wife tell lennie?

Curley objectifies his wife by threatening the other men, monitoring her movements, and dismissing her individual needs. Open Document. Are smallmouth or largemouth harder to fight. First, Curley's wife insists on talking with Lennie even after he warns her that he ain't supposed to because George's scared [he'll] get in trouble. Then Curley's wife invites Lennie to pet her soft hair, but when he gets too rough, she jerked her head sideways, and Lennie's fingers closed on her hair and hung on . Lennie is responsible for killing Curley's wife because he did it. Why Did Curley's Wife Get The Blame For Of Mice And Men | ipl.org The swamper says that Curley keeps a glove full of Vaseline on it to keep his hand "soft" for his new wife. As Lenny and Curleys wife connect deeply, she lets him touch her soft hair; however, Lennie would not let go. She lies dead on the hay. What happens as a result? On page 11 George says If I was alone I could live so easy. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Their lack of wealth, Lennie's lack of intelligence, and their negative past experiences in Weed all create a barrier that is impossible to breakthrough. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. I aint mad, an I aint now. Curleys wife did not know that day in the barn would be her last. The text states, "'That big son-of-a-bitch done it. He made Lennie think that their dreams could come true to make him happy, even though George knew that it wasn't possible. George helps him by giving him short commands and telling him to repeat things to himself to remember things. Lennie is fascinated by her and cannot take his eyes off her. George again shows that he is caring when George encourages, In the novella of Mice And Men, although the men on the ranch are threatened by and, Lennie is in many ways helpless and does not know how to care for himself. When Lennie shows her the dead puppy, she tells him it was just a mutt and no one will care, but Lennie explains that George won't let him tend the rabbits because he did a bad thing again. What does Curleys wife tell Lennie and why? Why did Curley's wife come to see Lennie? What did she tell Lennie In summary, these brief comments are the only comments Lennie makes about Curley's Wife. How Did George Kill Lennie Wrong - 956 Words | Internet Public Library With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. In order to prove that society makes it impossible for certain people to attain The American Dream, Steinbeck objectifies, sexualizes, and kills Curleys wife to show that women cannot reach The American Dream. When he killed her, it was as if he was losing a companion, leaving Lennie with a sad feeling of loss. They dream of roots, stability, and independence. George is not being deliberately hurtful to his friend, however, he simply sees the danger that the two interacting could pose. Curley, carrying a shotgun, tells Carlson to take Crooks' shotgun, and the men leave, taking George with them to find Lennie. She insists that she could have been an actress. She starts talking to Lennie and then lets him touch her hair because it is soft. Curly's wife does not have a name in the story. Meester states that John Steinbeck isnt being outright. What is Curley's wife's dream in Of Mice and Menby John Steinbeck. What is Curley's wife's dream in Of Mice and Men by John - eNotes The person most responsible for Lennies death is George. Curley's wife comes into Crooks's room because she's lonely. [P2] The death serves as a reminder of the incredible strength Lennie had and shows how he (tragically) misused it. After all, Lennie is a big man, and Curly figures that fighting him will either raise his stature amongst the men. Before he breaks her neck, he puts his hand over her mouth to muffle her screams, and says angrily to her that "You gonna get me in trouble." In Chapter Five, Curley's wife enters the barn in a dress decorated with red ostrich feathers. She was very pretty and simple, and her face was sweet and young. How Did George Kill Lennie In Of Mice And Men | ipl.org When she begins to scream, Lennie covers her mouth with his hand. Why did curley's wife rush to marry curley? - JacAnswers Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Having a wife shows possession of power and a higher rank., She is objectified and embarrassed by her husband, linking to the lack of respect for women in the 1930s. When she continues to struggle, Lennie grows angry. The death of Curley's wife sets off a chain reaction for the events that close out "Of Mice and Men". Her death at Lennie's hands means the end of George and Lennie's companionship and their dream. He then disappears from the barn with the dead puppy in hand. After she became mad about her hair being messed up, she began to yell and Lennie thought she was going to get him in trouble. Why Is Curley's Wife So Flirty? - On Secret Hunt After finding Curley's wife dead, Curley had a horrible idea of making Lennie suffer. Removing #book# Curleys wife was murdered by Lennie in John Steinbecks story, Of Mice and Men. How does Curley's wife treat Lennie? - Answers George knows that he has to kill Lennie in order to protect him. Lennie is responsible for killing Curley's wife because he did it. Steinbeck has said that this is because she isn't a person, she simply exists to be a danger to Lennie. George says, She yells and we got to hide in an irrigation ditch all day with guys lookin for us, and we gotta sneak out in the dark and get outta the country (13). Curley's Wife Flashcards | Quizlet What is are the functions of diverse organisms? She lies dead on the hay. In the book Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, there are some characters who are good, and some who are bad. Got kinda used to each other after a little while. (40) George takes care of Lennie because Lennie is his friend; George does not have to, but he wants to. out of anger she blamed her mother and hastily rushed into a Lennie was touching Curley's wife's hair when he went too far, and touched her too hard. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. She is the only woman on a ranch full of grown men who work all day, I can see how she could get lonely and seek attention to herself to pass the time. For example, he also said, I could. with Curley. She is extremely lonely and views Curley as mean-spirited. Also I believe that Curley's wife obviously knows that Lennie broke Curley's hand and therefore that shows that Lennie is shown as powerful and I think that Curley's wife likes a powerful man and finds that attractive hence the reason why she chose Curley to marry in the first place as he's quite powerful as we know. This quote shows that George is killing Lennie for Lennies own good. George is supportive of and helpful to Lennie as a friend should. In Chapter 5, Lennie is sitting alone until Curley's wife enters. What happened after Lennie kills Curley's wife? When Lennie is first introduced to Curley's wife, he notices that she is pretty, and stares at her, which satisfies her longing for attention: "Lennie's eyes moved down over her body, and though she did not seem to be looking at Lennie she bridled a little" (31). What did George say after killing Lennie? In Chapter 5, Lennie is sitting alone until Curley's wife enters. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Curley's wife is promiscuous and prettyshe dresses in a provocative. Lennie's puppy died because he handled it too roughly; he killed it. What did Lennie do to curleys wife? He says I could go with that show. Curley's wife begins to struggle, which sends Lennie into a panic. But then he uncovers the pup and strokes it again, realizing that George will know he killed it because George always knows and Lennie won't get to tend the rabbits. Copyright 2023 IPL.org All rights reserved. She is, after all, the wife of the boss's very jealous son. On page 98 Curley says Hes got Carlsons Luger. George shot him in the temple of his head for a quick and painless death. Curley's Wife Abuse Quotes. George also made Candy feel better when his dog died. To make up for her misery and loneliness, she tries to connect with other people, but finds herself thwarted at every turn. It also shows what negative outcomes can come out of doing this. What happened to Lennies puppy? She is utterly alone on the ranch, and her husband has seen to it that no one will talk to her without fearing a beating. Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife by shaking and breaking her neck. Curley's wife is the only female character who is directly featured in the novel. When Lennie realizes that she is dead, he panics and paws the hay to partially cover her. Carlson follows Curley out of the barn, going for his Luger. This adds extreme tension to the story. Following his comment, Curley's wife chatters on, explaining more about her lost chance to become an actress and how she met Curley. Both of them start to talk, and Curley's wife launches into a discussion of her own failed . He tries to make her stop screaming and kills her by accident. The curls, tiny little sausages, were spread on the hay behind her head, and her lips were parted. And also because she could be doing better in her life instead of sitting around being bored and only being able to associate with Curley. Even Lennie is guilty of crimes and petty cruelty, and no one is above being awful to others. What does curley's wife tell Lennie about her past? Curley's wife comes by the bunkhouse and does a bit of flirting with George, Lennie, and any other males within viewing range. Curley's Wife - CliffsNotes When Lennie first sees Curley's Wife, he comments that she is pretty, or "purty." He tells Candy to give him a minute to go to the bunkhouse before telling the other men; then George will come along as though he had not already seen Curley's wife. Curleys wife regrets marrying her husband and strives for attention by flirting with the workers on the ranch. More books than SparkNotes. Latest answer posted November 19, 2020 at 6:35:21 PM. How are Lennies two visions indicative of his childlike innocence? What does Curley's wife say she could have done to Crooks? What do George and Lennie think of Curley's wife in Of Mice and Men? [P3] The manhunt ultimately results in the death of Lennie. Lennie is physically very strong (so his name is ironic), but cannot control himself, leading to escalating acts of accidental violence through the book. Lennie is innocent in that hes naive about the ways of the world. Lennie, who gets frightened and uses his strength to hold on to objects, is just like a child. Lennie's worst enemy is his own strength. How far do you agree with Curley's wife was murdered by Lennie in John Steinbeck's story, Of Mice and Men. First, George could have let Curley and the rest of the guys handle getting rid of Lennie. and that times women were treted not as they are treated now .She fella". Although Curleys wife is beautiful and young, she is naive and dangerous as George knew from the beginning. Candy Candy comes into the barn to talk to Lennie and finds Curley's wife. He goes out and gets George, who asks him to give him a couple of minutes so the other men don't think he was involved. Character Analysis Indeed, the gentle giant's final downfall is caused because of the vain wife. 2019, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-did-lennie-say-about-curleys-wife-2061. This also shows that George could have had a good life, even a better life if his dream of being able to take care of Lennie did not become a burden upon himself and influenced his life so greatly. Not affiliated with Harvard College. The four people responsible for Lennies death are George, Curleys wife, Lennie, and Curley. A bit hurt and confused, Lennie points out that George was looking at her too. Wiki User. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# First, when George was introducing himself and Lennie to their new boss, he said, I never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy. This shows that George was portraying that he cares about Lennie enough to be picked up on by others. Lennie would not fare well in a prison setting, nor would he be able to defend himself if Curley or the other men attempted to hurt him. Also, when George and Lennie were talking to each other at their camp spot George said, I could get along so easy and nice If I didnt have you on my tail. By saying this, it shows his willingness to give up some good in life for another person. She is portrayed, like the girl in Weed, as a liar and manipulator of men. 490 Words. George goes to the bunkhouse. How Did George Kill Lennie's Death In Of Mice And Men. Of Mice and Men Chapter 2 Questions and Answers Lennie's actions often create trouble, especially because he doesn't understand the consequences of the decisions he has made. The death of Curley's wife is also symbolically important and represents the futility of dreams. I mean not the way she died, but I was glad it happened because like I said before I hated her, because she always caused trouble and never, In the novel Of Mice and Men, it strongly sets a devastating scene towards the end, yet what was done was necessary. Curly's wife has many reasons for being lonely. Latest answer posted December 31, 2020 at 3:22:45 PM. As a result, he shakes her and breaks her neck. One of the handfuls of characters with impairment in this book is Curley's Wife. What are the 4 major sources of law in Zimbabwe. When George claims that they might find Lennie first and bring him in and lock him up, Slim explains that Curley will want to kill him, and even if he doesn't, how would Lennie like being locked up and strapped down like an animal in a cage? To be honest I hate her. Curley's wife did not know that day in the barn would be her last. . George decides to end Lennie's life while describing their dream homestead one last time . Curley's wife enters the barn and asks Lennie what he has. Everything that George did or tried to do was always influenced by Lennies wellbeing. If George and Lennie hadnt run away, Lennie could have suffered a terrible fate. Curley's wife says he can get another one. What are two examples showing how Lennie is discriminated against because of his disability in the book Of Mice and Men? George then warns Lennie to keep away from her. Hearing the horseshoe game outside, he understands that someone will come in sooner or later and discover the bad thing he has done. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Curley's wife observes that Lennie is "[j]us' like a big baby" (99) and invites him to stroke her soft hair. When his Aunt Clara died, Lennie just come along with me out workin. Is it right to blame anyone for their own death on themselves when they were murdered for doing nothing wrong? Curley was also rude towards everyone and, he even attacked people who he thinks were with her wife. At the end, when Lennie killed Curleys wife, Curley wanted Lennie dead, he didnt care if someone like George will be hurt by killing his own friend, he just wanted him dead. Thats a thing I want ya to know (Steinbeck 106). In Chapter 5, Lennie is sitting alone until Curley's wife enters. Of Mice And Mean Chap 5 & 6 Review Questions Flashcards Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Many of the male characters on the ranch feel threatened by her, calling her jailbait because she is flirtatious. The fact that Lennie anticipates the same pattern this time is indicative of his childlike innocence. She wears too much makeup and dresses like a "whore" with red fingernails and red shoes with ostrich feathers. Curley's wife, like the other players in the drama, is simply a character type and the only woman in the plot. "tend them rabits" if he talks to her. Curley's wife wanted to be an actress and she's lonely because Curley does not pay attention to her. He accidentally broke her neck while trying to calm her down. How Did George Kill Lennie In Of Mice And Men - 853 Words | Bartleby Who is Katy mixon body double eastbound and down season 1 finale? What does curley's wife call lennie? - bulus.youramys.com What happened that made George stop playing tricks on Lennie in Of Mice and Men? 2 Pages. Although Lennie is the one who physically kills Curley's wife, Of Mice and Men consistently shows that Lennie is not to blame for her death. But my ol lady wouldn 't, Tart, Tramp, trouble, Bitch, are just some of the names given to Curley 's wife, who is never given a name in the entire book. In the movie version she was a damsel in distress. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. and any corresponding bookmarks? My opinion towards Curleys Wife, is that she can be a little too flirty at times. Why did curleys wife come to see Lennie? - Answers bookmarked pages associated with this title. OMAM Chapter 5 Story Questions Flashcards | Quizlet Who finds curley's wife dead? Explained by FAQ Blog In Of Mice and Men , how and why does Lennie kill Curley's wife? - eNotes First, Curley's wife insists on talking with Lennie even after he warns her that he "ain't supposed to" because "George's scared [he'll] get in trouble." Then Curley's wife invites Lennie to pet her soft hair, but when he gets too rough, she " jerked her head sideways, and Lennie's fingers closed on her hair and hung on What happened to Lennie's puppy? Curley's wife regrets the path her life has taken, and laments having missed her chance to move to Hollywood and become a movie star. In the book Curleys Wife is portrayed as a whore and not much else. George considers what will happen to Lennie: They could lock Lennie up, but he'd starve, and people would be mean to him. He doesn't mean to do it; as always with Lennie, he doesn't . Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife Character Analysis. Lennie is fascinated by her and cannot take his eyes off her. She consoles him, and starts to talk.