baby danvers fanfiction

I completely understand, I would feel the same way if I was in your position. Lena starts the machine and leans against the kitchen counter. This Part: The Superfriends continue to try and help Emma and figure out the best steps forward. Why would you even ask that? She chuckled. Not ever. Description: The Danvers sisters have a tradition of paintballing with friends in the fall and this year their baby sister can join in with them. Would you like to respond?. No, they need to know what you did when you came to mine. Robyn says fiercely, her fury mounting. Emma nods and Kara steps out of the hug while Alex clings to Emma, who rests her head against Alexs. If you want. Kara adds quickly but Emma is already nodding. I wonder who will win next year, she was saying. But were not here to discuss secret identity, Miss Luthor if you please ?, I need time. You are the one that ended it.. Teams were chosen and Kara, Jonn, Alex, and Y/N were all on one team while James, Lena, Nia, and Winn were on the other. You came back in the kitchen to see your mom placing the table. Kara superspeeds to grab a bottle of water and hands it to her. No we didnt! Nia tries to fight back, remembering how she had felt awkward towards Lena for weeks. Do you have those photos of Em as a baby?, Of course! Eliza chuckles and finds Emmas photo book. And you cannot, for the life of you, tell her how youre feeling. You tasted the blood on your tongue. Now she has to learn to live with the fact that she's . Now it seems i can keep you alive then. Kara zips over and opens it. She had once told them that she hoped one day she would have powers just like her big sister. Youre smart, and sweet, and beautiful, and funny, and so important to us. Meanwhile, Kara squeaked out aOh Rao, Im so sorry, Alex! and Alex dashed to the kitchen to get the trash can. The woman then gave Alex an uncaring smile and turned towards Jonn. And you have to admit, theres bullshit written all over you. Alex eventually found herself thumbing through the docket. May I offer a few suggestions? Alistair injects and Emm nods. Trust me, Ive been there. She smiles, fond and sweet and you agree with your head. But do you still feel the same way? Kara asks hesitantly and Emma pauses. Believe me I wanted to catch the next flight to London, but I knew Emma needed time and I wanted her to come back on her own.. I understand what happened made you dislike Lena. Oh, honey, Im so sorry.. Of course, thats what Alex said, but, internally, she had to admit she was flustered. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Y/N stared at the place where the vase had been standing just a moment ago, her mouth agape. But its not ok. The sky continues to shift from a brilliant blue to the colours of sunset. Reboot (A superflash fanfic) by Hoo-Man Being. I don't believe you. She says taking a bite. Shes one of you right? Robyn shoots back. As quick as the speed of light (or really, Barry Allen), her heat vision pierced the vase that stood on a shelf behind Y/N, shattering it into minuscule pieces and sending the shards crashing to the floor. Lena lowers her head but before she can respond some of the others enter the room. They wouldnt host an all out war with one another but have more of a friendly game. Alex hummed along to the radio and Kara and Y/N just listened. You nodded and she hugged you hard. Okay, thank you. Supergirl Lena x Daughter!reader Paparazzi. Ill go change and be right back.. The cancelled sister nights, or games night or whatever you all do! Your science background is showing. Robyn jokes as she opens the book, smiling at a toddler Alex hugging Elizas swollen stomach. During the sentence she dropped, she stood up and put her hands on her hips in anger and disgust, waiting for his reply. NO ! Of course she was in a particularly bad mood because Lena had to leave last minute for a business trip when Alex was very much looking forward to spending her day off with her, but she was pretty sure getting any, wasnt the reason why. you whispered and slumped your shoulders in frustration. Ive been watching all of you and you treat her like she hasnt done anything wrong! It would be good PR, the excuse isnt lousy or ridiculous. A stranger shouldnt be that close. Thats why you all appeared so quickly? Fay voices Emmas question. Y/N just watched her sisters bicker happy to be spending time with them like this. Let her go ! you felt Lena move with rage behind you, but she didnt manage to budge an inch. Picture of yourself from now or Ill call mom and tell her youre on drugs. Notes: prompt by @greysgirl2456, I hope i did ok with this one. The unmistakable rattling of empty bottles fills the silence and Emma motions with her head for them to follow her downstairs. The second chorus hits and Emma is brokenly staring into the camera with tears streaming down her face. Really, I love it. You said taking another bite. Robyn decides to do the same, figuring out she wont be able to get back to sleep anyway. You liked her skin against yours. So, shall we?. Then Kara will obviously tell Alex. The youngest member of the Danvers family was excited since it was her first time getting to participate in the tradition. Theres no one around, but you make sure to check it three times before going inside. However they werent there as she had forgotten she hadnt put them on today, so she ran them through her hair. Within a blink, Kara was standing in front of her, biting her bottom lip in both concentration and anticipation as she lifted Y/Ns shirt. They returned their gear and headed to the fair that was just a little ways down the road. You dont need it. Ive been meaning to find a reason to get rid of it, anyway. Its not your fault its their ! Alex bites her lips before finally talking. A/n: In this story, Alex and Kara play more as a supporting role in order to focus the oneshot more on the friendship between Lena and Baby Danvers (Reader). The woman then stepped into Alexs space. No, I need to. Emma sighs heavily and looks up at the ceiling. Can you please look at us? Her Moms voice breaks, causing Emma to lower her head and slowly open her eyes. I have acess to this cripted files. Whats one more lie for someone who hasnt been able to tell the truth for months? Thank you for everything.. It has been over a month since Emma disappeared and Alex is sitting on her sofa in Sams apartment and nursing her fourth whiskey. Its up to you, to prove to me that i musnt kill you here and now., Please, dont kill her Lena begged him. If you want to be tagged to follow the story tell me :), hiii! baby danvers | Archive of Our Own That physical action alone was like surrendering to the alpha in the room and she knew it. They were ready. She has taken a great liking to you. Fay smiles widely after hugging Emma. I promise well hang out more once Im done with this.. I can enter the system without a problem, download the files though, its something else, but thats not my problem. Yes she was Supergirl but as far as you knew she couldnt read mind. I can handle a few punch.. And they may kidnaped me because of my attached strings with supergirl.. Ill see you tonight.. Kara reaches out and takes Lenas hand, giving it a gentle squeeze of support. She flops back onto the sofa and downs her drink. The most important things already packed in a suitcase, you stood at the door of the shared apartment of your eldest sister and you looked around one last time. She skidded to a halt as she took in the scene and, with her brain working as fast as a computer, delivered instructions. Immediately Sam pulls her into a hug. Plus, forgive me, but DC has their own damn branch of the DEO. A Sanvers Baby Chapter 1: Month 1 - FanFiction.Net ", "You know lying wont work in my presence, honey," the head of L-Corp stepped closer to you and sat down on the cold floor next to you. While the woman answered it, Alex took a step back and a deep breath. Emma stares back at Lena in confusion and Lenas stomach drops. Someone else might have her phone. Though, he had to admit, he wasnt sure what Alex was bent out of shape for, since having to show up for work unannounced was an uncommon occurrence since shes worked at the DEO. "Last night was nice," thought Alex, recollecting the night she spent with a woman she met at the alien bar. Despite knowing she didnt have to constantly watch over her kid sister, that kind of responsibility was pretty well rooted into her core. You all experienced trauma that day, not just Emma. Im making myself a coffee, would you like one too?, Robyn looks tiredly up at the older blonde. Fall had come to the city and it was time for the Danvers sisters annual tradition of paintballing. When Alex disappeared into the kitchen to return the trash can to its proper place, Y/N snapped out of her trance of shock, and realized that she had instinctively cupped her stomach with her hand, and that her hand was scalding hot! I know I dont deserve the love and support they give me.. He was my best friend. You cry and cry. Jonn just squinted as he examined Alexs behavior and shook his head. They played several rounds, each team winning a handful of times, but team Danvers ultimately came out on top. she took the word as it got pretty quiet between both of you; the only sound there could be heard were cars in the background. Tall and broad-shouldered, her hands buried in the pockets of her black coat-full of strength yet graceful and charming. The results ping up, making Alex feel a surge of hope. She gave you a look did she have a plan or something ? Kara nodded and looped an arm around Y/Ns shoulders, despite the fact that she was capable to walk, and led her over to the couch, helping her lay down. Emma opens her eyes and takes the glass of cool apple juice from her mom, nodding her thanks. Kara and Alex couldnt help but giggle at their sister as she tried to carry the thing back to the car. Morning. Robyn utters back coolly, causing Lena to turn and gaze at her. Supergirl | Adventure Short Stories Future. I should get going. In her voice, you could recognize the seriousness of her words and your tears almost pushed to the surface. Barryxkara Stories - Wattpad But, I also dont believe its as easy as that. Youre the boss!, Jonn just shook his head once more and walked away, leaving Agent Danvers to cool down. Alex Danvers - Quotev That she didnt break Emmas heart and make her believe it was all an illusion! Character addition and tag requests open xx Where are you? Alex whispers and takes a sip of her drink. According to our files, theres a lot of protocols being broken here. Yea, she was pretty, but that didnt give her a free pass to give her attitude. Alex had subconsciously stepped back and immediately kicked herself for it. "You screwed up." "Talk to me, honey. "Alex feels sorry for you. Which is understandable, however, this is a safe place where no judgement should be passed. He glances around the room and everyone nods before focusing on Emma. Her eyes fall on Lena who seems fixated with her hands. As if she never lived here. But our love for you has never been an illusion. She knows. Sure. You smile, though on the inside youre feeling quite the opposite. But we have to earn time, once i press de downloads button hell probably kill us both.. I told you what would happen if you ever hurt her. Alex grits out, she watches as Lenas face crumbles and she lowers her head. An uneasy feeling in her stomach area and the panic that rose in her, let her jacket and her purse, which hung over her arm, fall on the ground. You said nothing and turned your back to her to avoid seeing the disappointment in her eyes. I did that to her. She chokes out and a sob breaks through. It always amazes me how beautiful you make music sound. Lena utters while making herself more comfortable. The confusion in him didnt take much, you saw it before you heard it : the shot. If you happen to take inspiration from anything Ive written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Summary: Y/N gets hurt while carving pumpkins with her sisters. You found it difficult to say and talk about it but it was the truth after all. A gentle knock on the door makes them look over and Jonn quietly enters. Gotta say, I havent met anyone that stacks up to my bullshit like you. But as soon as she walked through the door, she was gripped by an uncomfortable cold and terrible silence she didn't knew. Untie them.. Lucy stepped back, crossed her arms again and kept her eyes locked on Alex. "A damage that was almost impossible to repair years ago, but we still managed to get her through it? Kara cleans your tears again, and they both pull you into a hug. The eldest Danvers listened to their sister chatter in the back about what a fun time she had had that night and how she couldnt wait to do it again next year. He was too calm, too composed, he knew what he was doing. Or will this current storm be more than their relationship can weather? Robyn? Alistair asks. Oh, so did you not get any last night? Lucy taunted, and Alexs jaw dropped once more at the bold statement. Oh, Your body stiffens, when she moves around her office, with a big sushi platter in hand. Alex: Dont be funny. Alex? Sam gets up and heads over to her fiance, clearly seeing that Alex was getting more and more agitated. She looks at you in pity. You didnt respond, didnt want to bring him satisfaction. Please. . So, we got word this morning that a Dominator ambushed a public event in DC, Jonn said, slapping a manila folder in front of Alex as she stood in the command center. Its the only thing in my life I can control, so I need it., Hey. Kara kisses your temple. Thats for not telling me you were so precious.. You hear a noise in the kitchen and realize your sisters are up until now in your apartment. Agent Vasquez wanted me to show you this. Reiff pulls out a tablet and holds it out for Alex. Chuckles ran through the group and Kara rejoined them a moment later. She notices how troubled her sister looks. You- you didnt know? Lena hiccups as her bloodshot eyes study Alexs reaction. You dont. You didnt think twice and jumped on him. her voice was deep and warm but had a subtle rasp in it. She and Lena werent exactly on speaking terms and being out and about could damage Lenas image with the press, and Kara didnt want that. And we saw that youre still working! Alex makes her way inside your apartment with two bags in her hands. You closed your eyes ready to feel the bullet, but nothing. Had I known I wouldnt have eaten on my way here., Oh no, really? Im ready to kick butt and take names!. Now, wheres this senior agent were waiting for?. Hope, please. Alex snaps and hears the whirl of the locks. You look around furtively, before making your way there. But this time, it had destroyed her family as well. you skillfully walked past him. Robyn. Fay utters as Emma tries to get her attention. Well, it was more of a hunch and you cant plant bugs in someones home on a hunch. Lucy shrugs and winks at the singer. But then her heart drops as she looks past Kara and sees Emma on the tv screen. United States Army. He nods encouragingly at her and she takes a deep breath in to calm herself. As Alex looked upon this woman, feet firmly planted this time, with a finger digging into her chest, somehow the tension forced a laugh out of the agent. The sun was starting to set and the colorful lights of the fair lit up the area and enticed whoever saw it closer. "But please do not ever run from us ever again.". Finally Emmas husky groans stop and her breathing returns to some normality. She pauses at the sight of the opened suitcase on the floor full of empty bottles and Kara firmly holding onto Alex. Reluctantly, you sit next to her. You didnt deserve her as a daughter so do her a favor and dont show up in her life ever again. I know i made you wait and im sorry for that. ", A short laugh escaped your lips and you leaned against the table that you were recently setting. Alex: Whats the point of a group chat if only me and Kara talk? Of course! Nia responds, shocked that Robyn would even need to ask that. Emma, would you like to explain about the bottles?. I know how this branch of the DEO operates, Lucy began. What? When giving birth Eliza. Kara, oh, thank God. You run to her, throwing yourself into her arms.